For the physicians, the reply to the question, "Why does smoking cause a rise in blood pressure?" is rather evident and comprehensible. Physicians are acquainted with the chemic makeup of baccy. Doctors know how different toxic chemicals in cigarettes and other tobacco products behave and what adverse results these substances bring about. Nevertheless, for the common population, the response to the question "Why does smoking cause a rise in blood pressure?" is, perhaps, troublesome.
For some people, particularly adolescents and youths, smoking constitutes something enjoyable and tranquilizing and it is difficult for them to conceive that nicotine could raise blood pressure. When they hear the question, "Why does smoking cause a rise in blood pressure?" they reckon that only wrath, awe, anxiousness, tension and a lot of other displeasing matters could conduce to an increase of blood pressure level, but not smoking. The tragic reality is that such is not the case. These life-threatening circumstances, that is to say, smoking and high blood pressure, being put together, not only add poison to to each one, but increse manifold their damaging consequences. An increase in blood pressure can frequently evolve ignored by the patient for months and even years. High blood pressure may be discovered quite incidentally by the physician or other health provider. By that time, substantial alterations in the life-sustaining organs and systems of the body might have happened and they could require prompt medical intercession. This is the reason that high blood pressure is occasionally named the "silent killer". On the other hand, smoking, despite its pernicious outcomes, is still connected by large masses of population with pleasance and consolation. This is the reason why this evil drug abuse could be called the "pleasant killer".Smoking is drug dependence!
Men of science and physicians assert that nicotine is a habit-forming drug. It creates modifications in the brain that cause people endeavor for it, since it makes them experience the emotions of joy and happiness. Investigators discovered that mental and behavioral features of tobacco dependence are alike to those that are found in addiction to other drugs such as diacetylmorphine and cocain. Additional characteristic of nicotine as a drug is that whenever an individual attempts to cease smoking, this person experiences signs and symptoms of displeasing nicotine drug withdrawal. These drug withdrawal symptoms may include downcast mood, anxiousness, uneasiness, restlessness, excitability, aggression, troubles in concentrating, reduced pulse rate, exaggerated appetite and weight gain.
Why does smoking cause and sustains a rise in blood pressure level?
Smoking bears upon the walls of blood vessels and quickens the atherosclerotic modifications in all arterial blood vessels including those that furnish the heart and brain with blood rich in oxygen. Furthermore, the nicotine induces the constriction of the blood vessels and increases the heart rate, which may lead to the rise of blood pressure. The more a person smokes, the more intoxicated he is due to higher level of the nicotine in the blood, and so the higher is the blood pressure. This explicates the high incidence of brain apoplexies, heart attacks, and painful sensations in the legs attributable to poor blood circulation in tobacco users. Nicotine is capable to induce immediate epinephrine output by the adrenals. Epinephrine increases the pulse rate, the force of heart contractions, blood output and elevates blood pressure. Epinephrine likewise induces the animal starch decomposition to glucose in the liver; as a result the blood sugar levels increase. This hormone also raises the levels of circulating free fatty acids. Normally, all these alterations get the body ready to respond in the right way to the stress and peril when the situation necessitates increased vigilance and tension. Notwithstanding, in smokers these epinephrine outbursts conduce to unneeded and harmful raises of blood pressure. It is also known that during smoking people breathe in carbon monoxide gas (CO), which substantially diminishes the total amount of of oxygen supplied to the heart, brain, and other life-sustaining organs. Read more about blood pressure on a website How to cure me
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